7 Basic Steps to Write an SEO Blog Post

7 Basic Steps to Write an SEO Blog Post

A good SEO blog post can bring you great benefits in terms of site visibility, leadership, benefits for SEO optimization, building trust with the audience, growth of your business, sales, and customers.

However, content alone is not enough to succeed. So everything is in the content and the way you present it to your readers.

It's not just about being creative and innovative it's about being you understand and combine different elements of a blog post, adding something special in your way.

Like anyone else, you can do this easily, and I will do it for you help and present 7 basic steps that are important for every successful an SEO blog post that your readers will want to read.

Before I continue to describe the essential elements of a perfect SEO blog post, I will mention a few important things to think about before you start writing a blog post.

Don't have a blog yet? Here are detailed steps How to make a free blog in 6 steps.

To write a good SEO blog post, you need to make small preparations before each writing.

Get to know your audience.

As a blogger, you should know who your readers are. What topics would be of interest to your readers?

How would your post help them master a skill or solve some issue? What attracts them to read your posts? What engages them in your content?

It is essential to know what your audience likes to help you making good content.

Find a purpose

There is little chance to create a great blog post if you have no purpose. Your content should be engaging and appealing to readers.

At the core of everything is the value you provide and how it helps readers.

All the topics covered by my blog come from a single purpose to help people and other bloggers who work from home learn skills and acquire knowledge to continue to build their business on the Internet. 

Do Keyword Research


As a blogger, you need to understand why keywords are essential for an SEO blog post. Start using Google Keyword Planner and other SEO tools to research and find the right keyword.

My posts on SEO optimization can help you a lot:

1. Creating an SEO Blog Post Title


At first glance, the title grabs the readers' attention and decides whether they will continue reading the text. According to statistics, the first ones remain in the minds of readers three and the last three words of the title.

The title should not be longer than ten words, desirable that it has up to 70 characters, and it must contain keywords (so think about what people would type in search engines when looking for a solution to the problem you are writing about). 

One of the tips for a great title is the formula:

Number + Adjective + Target Keyword + Explanation + Promise

Example: 10 great tips to help you succeed in writing a post today

As long as you offer information, create value and help others solve problems, you have more than halfway to your goal.

I recommend reading:  Copywriting Tips: The Ultimate Guide

2. Introduction to SEO blog post

The introductory paragraph after the title is an essential part of every post. Here, in a few sentences, you give readers a reason to continue reading. Write important details or information about the topic.

You can present the problem and offer your solutions but without central disclosure. This way, you leave room and curiosity for more explanations in the rest of the post.

3. Content - the body of an SEO blog post

In reality, the average blog post reader reads only 28% of the total content. The optimal length of the post would be around 1500 words and 6 minutes is enough to read. Posts with longer content rank better on Google and social media.

In my experience, longer posts are more researched and have a lot of data. Make sure readers don't spend more than 10 minutes reading your post. Avoid long, monotonous walls of text because people today have a short attention span and leave immediately.

To solve this problem and keep readers, your text should be presented in a more dynamic form, uncomplicated and engaging to read.

Dynamic SEO blog post involves the use of:

  • Subheadings - Divide the post with them into humanly noticeable parts. If you work in Blogger or WordPress, use the H2 and H3 tags. Subheadings give the reader short versions of your post. Readers often read the main title and subheadings to understandthe essence of fasting. In addition to breaking text, subtitles can also contain keywords and so be very useful for SEO post-optimization.
  • Number Lists - lists are a grand idea for high blog traffic. The lists are easy to read and simply present information. Lists are among the most popular content on the Internet.
  • Bulleted Lists - (which you are reading now) are just emphasizing the most important points you want to emphasize in the text.
  • Table and Graphs - which go with everything, especially with technical texts. A visual display is better understood and provides information more efficiently than you would write it all. Be sure to list the sources of information below the tables and graphs.Screenshots can also be helpful, especially if your post is of the "How to" type.
  • Quote - With a quote, you can present that someone else agrees with you in connection with a given topic. When taking citations from similar articles, be sure to cite the source. Quotes are good when you build credibility.

Use the Word options BoldItalic, and Underline to highlight parts text that you think will attract attention.


4. Use visual elements

When we talk about content, all visual elements (images, infographics, tables, graphs) make the text particularly dynamic. I believe that you will not be surprised to learn that most people, precisely because of the pictures, pay attention to the content.

Images are a great way to add value to your post. Select images which are relevant, which have a decent resolution, and are not too big for the blog post not to load more slowly.

Be sure to add names and Alt text to your images, which help SEO optimize images. The pictures are also great for backlinks. So, if you want a better ranking, use them.

One of the rules is that there is one picture for every 350 words. If you use images, your post will look more attractive, and it will be more interesting to share on social media.

You can create your images and process them using free tools such as PhotoShop, PicMonkey, etc. There are also many sites where you can find free pictures.

If you want something special, you can make an infographic (small and large) using free tools or for a small cost, video, or Slideshare presentation.

5. Include links

Links that lead to other websites that are similar or are data sources are good for your blog post and also an essential step in SEO optimization. 

Why is this good?

Linking can increase your credibility because you refer people to places where information comes from, do not copy. And other, increase the SEO value of your blog post.

Use keywords to link them to another page on your blog or to an external site.

When you link to pages on your blog, it can allow readers to stay longer and read additional valuable information.

Linking to other sites can be useful when you specifically mention them in the text (for example: as a source of information) or when what you are writing about has a direct link to them.

When you link to sites that rank well for your chosen one keyword, it can also improve your ranking on Google.

You can use links that point to case studies, research, to resources and tools, PDF materials, other blogs with different opinions on the same topic, the profile of the author you are quoting, etc.


6. Grammar and Spelling

Once you have written your post, it is important that you re-read your blog post and look for spelling and grammar mistakes.

There is nothing more embarrassing than publishing a post on a supposedly professional and thematic blog without it containing grammatical and spelling mistakes!

Use punctuation marks correctly: periods, commas, colons, dashes and divide extensive sentences with them into smaller ones so that they are shorter information makes sense.

Also, find typos and don't give others any additional reasons not to share your post.

7. The final part of the SEO blog post - Calls To Action

In the final part of the blog post, it is necessary to conclude the topic in one or more sentences. If you want to increase traffic and audience on your blog, it’s essential to instruct your readers and say what you want them to do after reading a blog post.

The most common examples of calls to action are:

  • Leave a comment
  • Share this post
  • Sign up for the Newsletter
  • Download PDF
  • He reads a similar article
  • To contact you and get in touch with you
  • To look at or buy your product

If you want readers to share your content, make it easy for them! Add sharing icons on social networks so that just one click is enough.


Blogging is such a job, which looks very easy. Fortunately, I believe you have learned the basics about how to write a good SEO blog post, and you will no longer spend a lot of time in it creating.

Provide readers with valuable and dynamically edited content. Use relevant pictures and subtitles to motivate them to read.

Your blog is often the first meeting with potential customers, readers, and clients. Make a good first impression, and it will guide you on the way to success!

If you have learned something from this post, don't forget to comment and share this post so others can benefit.

Thanks a lot for reading!

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