8 Ways and Examples How to Find a Target Audience for Your Blog

8 Ways and Examples How to Find a Target Audience for Your Blog

Who are and how to find target a audience for your blog and products? If you can't answer this question specifically, it's time to define who your target audience is.

One of the important things when starting a blog is to define a niche market.

It is an important step but not the only one to focus on.

A niche can include multiple demographics that need different things. We go a step further in finding the target audience.

To answer their wants and needs, you must consider the readers of your content.

It means you focus on a narrower group of people with similar interests because then you can create more valuable content for them.

If you ignore this question, there are high chances of making a mistake that causes bloggers to give up writing in the first year.

For example, imagine you've created a blog, created a content strategy, and written blog posts, and you want to make money with a blog because you're ready to offer your first product.

You do marketing every day. What you are dealing with is almost no posts being read, no reader activity, no clicks, and no sales!

You're probably guessing what the problem is?

Are these the right people interested in your blog? Do they trust you?

Whether you're starting a blog or promoting a product or service, you need to define your target audience.

It is the main thing to develop your blog in the right direction.

After all, the target audience is essential for any marketing campaign. You won't even be able to market the product if you don't define what the customer profile is for that product.

It all boils down to one thing – you need to learn how to find your target
the audience, if you want to turn your blog into a profitable business.

It is the basis for blog growth and minimizing the chances of your campaigns being unsuccessful.

Finding your target audience and understanding how you can best help them is a requirement for writing posts that will solve specific people's challenges – allowing you to stand out and succeed in the long run.

Also, if you learn how to find your target audience, you'll stop writing posts that don't get read.

New bloggers especially struggle with this step when creating a blog business plan.

  • What content should I create?
  • How do I attract my target audience?
  • For whom should I write?

The research you will conduct as part of the process of defining your target audience will show you their interests and characteristics.

What you need to know about your target audience

But what is a target audience? Why is defining it essential? How to find it, step by step? In this post, I will answer these and many other crucial questions.

What is the target audience?

Your blog's target audience is a group of people - who share a few common characteristics.

These are the people who will find enormous value in your articles and benefit much from your content.

There is a high probability that they will be interested in your product or service.

To respond to their needs, you first need to identify them.

Which group of people will depend on the market niche and the purpose of your blog.

An example of the target audience could be women between 25 and 50 years old living in New York - they are employed, have a university degree, are interested in healthy eating, and earn between 3000 and 4500 thousand dollars per month. {alertInfo}

The target audience is defined based on demographic, psychographic, geographic data, and behavior.

For demographic data, start by answering the following questions:

  • Gender - what gender are your readers?
  • Age - what age group does your reader fall into?
  • Education - what does he do?
  • Income level - how much does he earn per month?

Find all the similarities that exist in these characteristics.

Psychographics observes people at the level of personality, such as beliefs, interests, and values. These characteristics will have an impact on a person's behavior when shopping.

Geography refers to where your audience lives. Your product will be intended for people from a specific area.

Behavior is made up of characteristics such as interaction with your brand and shopping behavior. This information allows you to understand what motivates them to buy.

How to find your target audience

Creating a demographic portrait of the reader and customer is reminiscent of creating a character from the Sims video game.

Starting with a blank slate, you gradually add a name, occupation, interests, home, and friends until you have created a complete portrait of the person.

The starting point in identifying the target audience is defining the purpose or mission of your blog. It is where you start with the answers to the questions: 

  • Who are the people you help?

Here, list the characteristics of the people for whom your content, product, or service is intended. Who could buy what you are selling (regardless of whether it is your own or affiliate products)?

It is best to determine first who might show an interest or need for your product or blog. List all the qualities and characteristics of your offer and then think about who would benefit the most.

  • What are their main problems (how will you help them solve them)?

When you think about the problems and challenges of your audience, then you will know how to solve them.

When it comes to a site or a blog, it can be a great deal of professional knowledge that you share in a specific area and the ease of using the content and navigating the site.

  • Where does your audience spend their time (in real life and online)?

Knowing where your audience spends their time will help you place your content on those platforms.


For example, this is the purpose of my blog.

The main goal of this site is to provide quality tutorials, tips, courses, tools, and other resources that enable anyone to work online and master digital marketing. {alertInfo}

For everything you write and sell - your target audience should be the foundation of your overall marketing plan.

Feel free to narrow down your target audience to a smaller group of users.

It will help you create more relevant content, which will attract the right people to your blog and help you develop in the long term as a trustworthy source of information in your niche.

When you have identified the target audience, the next step is to create a customer profile based on it.

In marketing, the customer profile represents a person who would be your ideal customer, client, or collaborator.

The ideal customer profile is more detailed, specific, and concrete than the target audience.

It includes information such as:

  • Personal characteristics
  • What challenges does he struggle with the most?
  • What is your reader entering into the search field on Google?
  • What are your reader's goals?
  • What are your reader's hobbies and interests?

For example, an ideal customer could be described as follows:

Susan, 33 years old, works in a marketing agency in New York. In addition to her regular job, she writes a blog with tips for healthy eating and fitness. He has a diploma in nutrition. She wants to turn her blog into a full-time business as a nutrition and fitness coach. He has an active profile on Instagram. In addition to healthy food, she practices fitness in her spare time.{alertInfo}

You can draw a character (or find a photo) of your ideal reader and customer as if they were a real person that you would like to help with your blog posts.

Give the person a name, and write a short biography.

If you have multiple ideal readers, try to focus on the most relevant person.

Learn as much as you can about your audience

Every detail you know about your target audience and the ideal customer will help you attract the right audience who will love your blog and help you succeed in your niche.

When you create a customer and reader profile, you will know:

  • what posts will you write to help the reader
  • how to stand out from the competition
  • what products you will create and make big sales

Why is it so important to find a target audience for your blog?

1. Knowing who your target audience saves you time, energy, and money

Everyone who starts blogging wants to make the best possible use of their time. When you don't have focus, you don't know who your target audience is - you only waste money and time.

Knowing who you are writing for is the most lavish approach to prevent this situation.

Only in this way will your articles receive real traffic, and you will know exactly where to concentrate your efforts, campaigns, and financial resources to get the best returns.

For example, if you know that your audience spends time on Facebook, it makes no sense to waste time on Twitter.

Knowing your audience brings you focus. You direct your energy where it benefits your business the most.

2. You are confident that you are creating the right content for the right people

When you find your target audience, you will get clarity about your content. You will know which topics attract readers' attention and how to best present them.

If you don't know what is relevant to your audience, you can't write content that is relevant to them.

The questions listed below can help you produce content that is more accurate than a guess:

  • What most appeals to the audience, and what are their interests?  
  • What is not relevant to your readers?

Identifying your target audience will be beneficial for your keyword research.

It is essential for content creation and any paid advertising you will use to promote your products.

You have probably already seen ads on Facebook and Google that were not relevant to you. Well, those ads are the result of poor audience targeting.

That campaign was not preceded by audience research - the results are disappointing.

Here is an example of a target audience in the Chrono nutrition niche:

target audience characteristics example

When you know what the audience is struggling with, just then can you offer an appropriate solution.

That's why you create content in the form of answers to questions about the problems your target audience is facing.

Here is an example from one of my readers:

Mary finished college and started working in a company. After working for seven months, she realizes that this way of working from 9 to 5 does not suit her. He wants to quit and start his own business.

In his spare time, he tries to start his blog and faces countless questions about how to build his blog.

Search the internet for the best tips: on how to choose a niche, and target audience, write SEO content, get more traffic and monetize your blog. {alertInfo}

Here we have a person who wants to build his blog and make money. He has limited time that he can devote to it.

You noticed that this person has a name. In the future, when I write a blog post, I will keep in mind, "I am writing this for Mary."

3. Visitors keep coming back to your blog

I'm sure you want readers who will return to your blog again.

It happens if your content is of high quality, provides the audience with a specific value, and meets their needs.

You can only create this content when you know your target audience.

As long as you focus on helping your readers and are consistent in doing so, they will keep coming back to your blog.

Your loyal readers will help you have constant traffic on your blog, even when you take a break from content promotion.

So who wouldn't want such loyal visitors?

4. Knowing your target audience helps you create the right products

If you are starting a blog, you should know that your target readers will become your potential customers in the future.

Pay attention to every comment and question in communication with readers. That way, you will find out what they need and what will make their life easier.

All this information will help you when you decide to create your first product as a solution to their questions and problems.

First, you need to find out what is causing their problems and then come up with some solutions.

Each of them will have its advantages and disadvantages. Thanks to the information about the target audience - choose the most optimal.

Create your first product based on that solution and suited to the interests of your target audience.  

5. Your target audience is ready to buy from you

You build a relationship with the audience by the content you create.

When that content responds to the needs of your target audience, then more readers sign up for your email list, and you increase your conversions.

As long as your content benefits and helps your audience, they are more likely to buy your product - whether it's affiliate marketing or your product.

8 ways to find readers and research the target audience for your blog

Finding your target audience may seem like a hard challenge, but don't worry.

I will present to you the simple and most effective ways so that you can use your knowledge for blog content that will bring you money.

We have already said that first. You need to understand your blog niche and define: How will I help people with my blog? Who will benefit from my content?

You can learn more about where they spend their time and what they talk about by getting the answers to these questions.

For example:

What would you do if you felt like eating apples? Either someone brings them to you, or you go, get them.

If someone brings apples to you, you won't find anything more about them - what kind are they, where did they come into your hands?

You can only know all this if you go and get them yourself. It is the same with the target audience.

To find it, you need to go to the places where your audience goes and learn more about them there.

1. Use Google to find your target audience

A quick Google search is one of the fastest ways to find your audience.

You can start by entering the name of your niche in the search field.

Then narrow your search to a few common keywords in your niche.

This will not immediately bring a solution, but it will bring you closer to the people who are your real readers.

Here is an example.

Let's say you're starting a blog about Chrono nutrition and want to focus on sharing your Chrono bread recipes. Then it's a good idea to Google "Chrono bread recipes" and see what comes up:

example finding audience on google

Google often also displays questions related to your entered search terms. These are questions that the blog audience might be interested in.

The best result is "Chrono bread that always succeeds - Rosa Cooking" on the rosacooking website. If you click on that link, you go to a site with advice.

On the website, below the recipe, you can look at the comments section and read which people are asking for advice and applying these recipes.
Here you can see who is the most engaged target audience for this recipe for Chrono bread. Most of them are women (as indicated by their names, and sometimes their photos).

If you want more information, you can also watch a video that is the second result of a Google search.

The video has more comments, but here you can go one step further and click on the profile of the person who left the comment to get some more information about the interests of the target audience of the Chrono diet blog.

Even though this example is simple, it can still provide important insight into the target audience.

When using Google to research popular keywords in your niche, pay attention to:

  • titles that appear first in the results and what people comment on those sites.
  • what the content of the first few search results looks like.
  • the target audience that visits these sites.
  • topics that are most popular in a given niche.

Based on this type of research, it will become clearer to you what type of content is relevant to your target audience.

2. Check out other blogs and brands in your niche

Blogs in your niche can give you valuable insight into your target audience.

You can check first on Google which of these blogs rank for the most popular keywords related to your blog.

For example, let's say you have a blog about travel to cities in the USA and you want to create a guide to New York - where to stay, which sights to see, which are affordable restaurants.

When you type "Traveler's Guide to New York" into the search engine - the results will show you who the best writing on this topic.

example finding target audience

The travel niche has unprecedented competition.

Based on what we see, we can correctly assume that each of the first three best sites is already excellently helping the target audience that is identical to yours.

It just goes to show that you can learn a lot about your target audience by following the sites of the most successful in your niche.

This following of other blogs should not be abused and copied. They should only be used as inspiration in the things they are best at.

It will help you learn and make a good basis for further progress. These people put a lot of time and effort into their blogs.

Also, you can try to see what doesn't work well with them and if you can improve it and use it for your posts and products.

Checking the competition is especially useful if you are new to blogging and your niche. Why?

Because then you still don't have readers, customers, or audience research to rely on.

Here's what information would be essential to you when it comes to competition:

  • What products and services do they offer on their blogs? Which people are interested in them and why? Because you offer similar products, your target audience will overlap with yours.
  • What social network platforms do they use, are they active, and how often do they post?
  • Do they have active followers? What type of people are they?
  • What type of content gets the best response?
  • At what prices do they sell the products? Can you offer a higher or lower price?
  • Notice which content and topics are most often covered by these sites - you will get an idea of what is trending in your niche.
  • What questions are readers asking in the comment sections?
  • What types of headlines attract the most attention? Which posts are interesting to you and thus to people like you?

The paid tool BuzzSumo can help you with this, but you have the option of using it for free a couple of times every day.

All of these questions can provide you with valuable information and insights on how to find a target audience for your blog.

You can also connect with other bloggers in your niche.

How can that help you?

When you start following someone, they start following you. This mutual support leads - to you sharing each other's posts and getting backlinks.

Since the target audience is almost similar, all this will help you reach a wider audience, supporting others.

3. Read comments on blogs

The comments area of a blog that has already been created and has interested readers can be a helpful resource for learning more about your target audience and their interests.

Here is a relevant question asked by a reader in the comments of my article How to add a Table of Content in Blogger:

screenshot of blog comments audience research

This comment shows that a portion of my target audience is looking for additional guidance on Blogger strategies they can apply to improve their blogs.

Based on such comments, you can make a list of helpful content that you will publish in the future.

I am constantly learning about my audience - who they are, where they come from, and how we find each other.

Another part of this process is reading comments (especially if you're starting) on blogs that write about similar topics.

You will find feedback on their content, questions, and what they want to know more about. Many of these comments may relate to your target audience.

Information that will be very useful to you is:

  • What are the main challenges or pain points of the readers of those blogs?
  • What topic are they looking for additional advice on - do they want to know more?
  • Did the author miss any information in the article?
  • What are the demographic characteristics of the people commenting?

You can get ideas for your blog entries by reading the comments on other blogs.

Visit discussion forums and find a target audience for your blog

You may have forgotten, but forums still exist on the Internet for every niche. Here, like-minded people usually discuss essential topics, ask for help and share information with others.

That's why forums are a great place for you as a blogger to find your target audience.

To find forums, you can enter "the name of your niche forum" in the search engine and see what will appear.

I'll take the "coding forum" as an example to see what will appear... about 138 million results are displayed:

how to find a target audience with forum for discussion 1

One of the results I singled out is Code Forum, which has an active forum for discussion, where hundreds of people share experiences, ask relevant questions, and provide answers within this niche:

how to find a target audience with forum for discussion 2

The first thing to check with the forum is whether it is regularly updated and active.

This is the only way you will provide relevant information to your target audience.

When looking for a target audience, it is first essential to see what topics are discussed on the forum. Some of the important topics on this forum are:

  • Front-End Development
  • Back-End Development
  • Project Development 
  • Computer, Server, and Hardware Configurations

This list provides some broader topics of interest to code blog readers.
Based on the categories within each section, you can search for ideas for blog posts.

Among the forums, choose the one where the topics overlap with your topics, where you see the most comments.

Look at the discussion within a question and decide what people would like to know more about.

Based on these details, you will get an idea of the post titles that would be of interest to code enthusiasts.

You can apply this process to any niche. In addition to searching for your target audience, you can also find out about the problems they face.

You can offer blog posts as solutions to problems you've identified through this process.

4. Social networks are a great place to find your target audience

Globally, users of social networks log in for more than 2.5 hours - every day.

That's why social networks are the ideal place to find your target audience and learn more about their interests.

Here I will mention a couple of social networks and how you can use them to find an audience for your blog.

Facebook: groups, pages, feed

Facebook can be a very helpful platform because people like to give their opinions.

Depending on your blog niche - in your feed, you can find out what people think, what they like, and what interests them.


Explore individual profiles as much as the privacy policy allows.

You can find out: where they live, are they married, do they have children? What are their wishes (books, music)? What are their posts like (this can give you an indication of what they like best and what problems they face)?

Record everything and notice some recurring characteristics.

Some of this information will serve as ideas for blog posts.

On Facebook, you can follow similar pages of other influential bloggers in your niche.

Another way to find a target audience is to join Facebook groups within your niche.

You can - make a list of the main phrases and words related to your content, product, and service.

Some phrases have two to three words because they are more effective than single keywords. If your blog is about a specific location, then search for groups by location.

Enter a key phrase in the search field on Facebook, then instead of clicking enter, select "Show more results."

Click on Groups on the left side of the screen to display search results for groups only.

You can join each group by clicking the "Ask to join" button.

In each group, observe what members post, and write down things like:

  • What questions do they often ask?
  • Which people are interested in your niche?
  • What products and content do they like?

Based on these answers, you can get ideas for your blog content.

You can use Facebook polls to get direct feedback.

Start the survey within your fan page or create a Facebook ad to reach a wider audience.

You can ask followers what they think about your product - would they buy a product like yours?

Pinterest: keyword search, Pinterest board

Pinterest is different from other social networks, but regardless, it can be a valuable source of information about your target audience.

First, you can start with keyword research on Pinterest to learn more about the interests of your audience.

Enter a word that is characteristic of your niche.

Above the search results, a list of suggested words is displayed - which will narrow your choice considerably if you click on one of them.

Pinterest: keyword search

These keywords are related to the term you enter in the search field.

Within those circles, you can click on any keyword and narrow down the search results to a more specific topic.

These words can indicate what your target audience is interested in.

The next useful thing is to look at how many followers each pinner has.

When you find popular bloggers on Pinterest, you can establish a kind of partnership with them that will help you find an audience for your blog in the same niche.

On their Pinterest board, under the option "followers," you can see some information about people - who are interested in the content you create.

A good idea to help you reach your target audience is to ask a successful blogger on Pinterest to post some of your pins on their boards (provided you do the same).

A good thing is to create a group board on Pinterest where two or multiple people can add their pins to be shown to a shared audience.

Twitter: hashtags, accounts, lists

As on other social networks, you can use hashtags on Twitter to see what type of target audience is actively interested in your niche.

You should have a basic profile of your ideal reader and know what keywords and hashtags are used in your niche.

The Hashtagify tool will help you find popular hashtags in your niche.

Adding hashtags to your tweets is a great way to expand your influence on Twitter.

Use Twitter's advanced search to find people who fit the profile of your target audience.

Based on the obtained results, you can go one step further and find out:

  • What keywords do they use in their tweets?
  • What hashtags are they using?
  • Which sites do they represent in their tweets?
  • Which people are they mentioning in the tweets?
  • Pay attention to the followers of influential people in your niche (and check all of the above with them).

Another way to learn more about your target audience on Twitter is to analyze a list of other Twitter accounts with quality audiences in your niche.

Most people use Twitter lists to organize specific people into groups.

Creating a list allows you to follow a Twitter feed with content shared only by people on a specific list.

If the list is public, in addition to the feed, you can also track who has been added to the list.

Twitter lists are a great way to find people who might be interested in your blog and products.

Search the profiles of people who could be your potential readers by entering a keyword that this person could have in their account.

If you have a Twitter account, focus on content - that matches the needs and interests of your followers.

Create a list of people who have shared content on the topic of your article. Twitter lists are the best way to inform your target audience about your brand.

Embed tweets in your blog to get your content shared on Twitter.

Instagram: hashtags, popular accounts

If you're starting from scratch and don't have any Instagram followers - it's a good idea to start with keywords in your niche and do a little analysis of popular accounts of people within your niche.

Look at what they publish and with what content is their audience most engaged?

Try to understand why they are popular and what inspires their followers.

Try to answer the following questions:

  • Who are the people who follow the posts of people in your niche?
  • Where do they live? What kind of content appeals to them?

For example, you have a marketing blog and you want to find an audience interested in this topic.

You can start your search by using a relevant hashtag, such as #marketing, and see what information the results provide you with:

  • You have received a list of popular posts.
  • Based on these results, related hashtags can be found, i.e.
  • keywords and find out more deeply what interests people in the niche.
  • Images can also provide information and lead to people dealing with this topic.

You can use all this knowledge to find your target audience for your content ideas both on the blog and Instagram.

Also, look at the followers' accounts of influencers in your niche to gain insight into who the people are who are interested in marketing content.

When it comes to the same type of audience, you can easily connect with them and like and comment on their posts.

If you want to use Instagram to reach followers who will read your blog and buy from you:

  • Create a hashtag relevant to your blog, brand, or product.
  • Use that hashtag in all your posts.
  • Build relationships with your audience by interacting with your followers.

5. Watch Youtube videos and listen to podcasts in your niche

You already know that YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google - where over 500 hours of content are uploaded every minute.

It is an understatement to say that YouTube is a valuable platform - that will help you find and identify your target audience.

On YouTube - you can find out which content is popular in your niche and which videos have the most views.

All of this tells what is successfully covered in your niche area and what the audience is interested in learning more about.

Start following YouTube channels that have the same audience as you. It will help you understand what content engages your audience the most.

Based on video categories - you will be able to identify your target audience. At the same time, gather ideas for your blog posts.

Google Find My Audience tool can help you find your target audience and build your YouTube channel so that users can find your content more easily.

If you have a YouTube channel – several YouTube metrics will help you discover who is watching your videos and what content resonates most with your audience.

- 70% of people buy a product after watching a video through YouTube ads.
- People spend an average of 30 minutes visiting YouTube.
- Each visitor on YouTube views an average of 11 videos. {alertInfo}

If you are not sure who your target audience is - before creating your next YouTube video, apply these few steps:

First, determine the topic of the video and who your target audience might be. For example, you make a video about how to lose weight.

If it were all people who want to lose weight, it's too broad and could not be called a target audience.

Therefore, it is necessary to narrow the audience according to age, gender, occupation, and location.

For example weight loss for women over 40 years old. The more specific you are, the less competition you will have and the more targeted content you can create.

The second step is to check the competition for the keyword. Here you use the GoogleAds tool and YouTube keyword suggestions. Brainstorm your keyword ideas.

The third step is to try to understand that target group and their needs to create a video that will help them achieve what they want.

For example, women over 40 are probably not immediately ready to spend money on weight loss, but they would appreciate tips for gradual weight loss that they will apply daily.

The fourth step is to find your target audience by:

  • comment on similar videos in your niche
  • share links to your videos if people commenting want more answers
  • partner with other YouTube channels with a similar audience

Make sure your content is relevant and creative to increase the visibility of your YouTube videos and expand your audience.

Once you find popular Youtube channels in your niche, establish cooperation with them and decide to start your podcast.

6. Use Google Analytics for your target audience demographics

You can see the age, location, and device (mobile or desktop) of the currently visiting your site.

Analytics also allows you to find out how much time each age group and gender spend on your blog, which pages they visit the most and which the least.


In your Google Analytics account (Audience > Overview), see information about how many people visited the blog in a certain period and what percentage of them visited only one page.

Then go to Audience > Demographics > Overview. Here you will get an idea of what type of people visit your blog.

Then, in what percentage of users are men, and what percentage are women, what are their age groups.

It can help you understand who is most interested in your content, product, or service.

In the section Audience > Behavior, the main information is how many visitors visit your blog for the first time and how many visitors return. Differences in their activity on the site are also shown.

For example, you can see that returning users are more likely to convert, but new users stay longer on the site.

Geographical reports - can be found in the Audience > Geography segment.

Here you will get information about the locations and languages of your visitors. Countries are displayed by default, although you can click on the city option to get more detailed information.

You will see from which cities the audience on your blog is most engaged. Languages can be helpful if you plan to write content in another language.

The interest report - can be found under Audience > Interests.

There you can find information about visitors' interests based on their behavior when they browse your and other blogs. Reports are available within the scope of interest:

  • Overview
  • Affinity categories show the general interests of visitors
  • Market segments
  • Other categories

Put all this information on paper - because it will help you identify your target visitors and customers.

7. Use social media statistics to find the target audience for your blog

Almost every social network platform provides insight into information about the target audience if you are active on one and have few visitors.

Facebook statistics allow you to know the audience of your page. There you will find information about gender, age, and geographical area from which the visitors come (country and city).

The statistics can be found - on the link https://business.facebook.com/, where you will select audience in the menu on the left.

Based on likes and comments, you can find out what your audience likes - so you can use this information to create similar content and increase audience engagement.

It includes the number of clicks on links and the types of content to which they respond best.

Pinterest statistics within the Pinterest business account provide - a lot of valuable insights into the target audience.

You need to select Audience Insights and get the view information such as:

  • Gender
  • Age
  • location
  • The devices they use

On Pinterest, you have the option to view statistics about the total audience or the that is a most active audience.

pinterest statistics

The total audience consists of everyone who has seen one of your pins in the last 30 days.

An active audience refers to people who have interacted with one of your Pins in the last 30 days.

As for Twitter statistics, they no longer have the functions they had before 2020 and will not provide you with basic demographic information (gender, age...).

Instead, you can always visit a certain number of profiles of your followers and notice some common characteristics.

Based on Twitter statistics, you will find out what type of posts your audience reacts best to - photos, text posts, videos, polls, etc.

Among other information, the monthly overview of your statistics includes:

  • arrival and departure of companions
  • time is the most engaged
  • which is the tweet with the most interactions
  • best follower (the person who started following you (and who has the most followers)).

For more detailed audience research on Twitter, you can use the tools
such as fallowerwonk, twitonomy, and socialbearing.

Instagram statistics are available to you if you have a business or creator account and will provide you with information about actions and visitor demographics.

This way you can get information about:

  • By the reactions of your profile followers: number of likes, comments, shares.
  • Who visits the profile? How long do they stay and who follows you?
  • Increasing or decreasing followers in the last 7 days
  • Content with the best performance

You need to see how many people are viewing your profile - to understand how many potential followers you can get through your content.

The only place on Instagram where you can post a link from your website is in the BIO section. The number of clicks on the biography can be a metric for the linked site as well.

Statistics on Instagram give you insight into what type of content and what topics have the best impact on your audience.

Knowing who is viewing your content will help you make decisions about the content or create it only for certain users who are viewing it.

The demographics you'll find for your audience on Instagram are:

  • Gender
  • Age group
  • Location (cities and countries)
  • Online time (hours and days)

8. Send surveys to your readers

One of the best methods to learn more about your existing target audience is to create and send a survey.

By creating and sending a survey to readers, you get accurate information about what they would like to receive from you, your blog, and your newsletter.

It gives you insight into what kind of content you should create for your target audience.

A tool you can use for this purpose is GetResponse, which provides you with detailed email metrics for each message you send.

It also helps you better understand the interests and reactions of the people who follow you.

Another tool that you can use to survey for free is Polldaddy (CrowdSignal).

Create a survey by following these steps:

  • What is the goal of your survey? – write down a few things you want to know about your audience.
  • Choose a survey creation tool – GoogleForms, and CrowdSignal are some popular and inexpensive options.
  • Write survey questions – ask your audience about demographics, experience with your brand, etc.
  • Determine the deadline for the survey - the optimal duration of the survey is - from 14 to 30 days.
  • Send the survey to your email list, post it on your blog, and share it on social networks.

You can combine the data obtained from the survey with the data obtained from Google Analytics.

How to find the target audience: Examples

Profile for B2B target audience

Social media manager


  • Age: 21 - 40
  • Gender: 55% women, 45% men
  • Location: New York
  • Niche: Marketing and sales


  • Interests: he likes to know everything about new trends. He listens to celebrity podcasts because he likes to be trendy.
  • Lifestyle: works remotely, like flexibility and regularity, enjoys testing applications for social networks.
  • Values: Volunteers in his city.

Challenges and goals:

  • Increasing social media activity on a budget and with the assistance of a small team.
  • He wants to use all new social networks to increase sales.

Favorite channels:

Email for first contact, phone call.
Searches social networks for news.

Favorite content:

  • Case studies, youtube videos.
  • Data-driven reporting.

I recommend that you read: What is the Difference Between B2B and B2C Business

Profile for a B2C target audience

Fitness instructor


  • Age: 30 - 46
  • Gender: 40% women, 60% men
  • Location: New York
  • Niche: health and fitness


  • Interests: likes running, cycling, traveling.
  • Lifestyle: exercise 7 days a week, the main nutrients are organic, healthy proteins. It tracks health and fitness, calorie intake, and sleep quality.
  • Values: Nature and a sense of community.

Challenges and goals:

  • He wants to find high-quality clothes.
  • He wants to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
  • He has a hard time finding clothes for every day, which he can also wear to work. He wants more purposeful and comfortable clothes and at the same time look professional.

Favorite channels:

  • Follow sponsored events on youtube.
  • Follow health influencers on Instagram.

Favorite content:

  • Blog posts on health and exercise tips.
  • Videos on social networks.


These were some practical steps on how to find a target audience for your blog.

You have learned what the target audience is and why it is essential. No matter how much effort you put into marketing, you cannot sell your product to people who are not interested.

You need to identify which person you are offering your product to and why they care.

List the problems your audience faces and highlight how your blog and product will solve those problems.

Come up with ideas for your blog posts and content strategy that will be valuable to your target audience.

Write your content keeping in mind the solution your product offers:

  • state the problem your client is facing
  • and highlight the key advantage your product has about your customer's main problem.
  • give an example of how your product can help your customer.

Defining your target audience is not a one-time job. Your visitors and your business will change over time, so it is essential to update the information you have.

Taking the time to find your audience and create a customer profile will go a long way in getting your blog up and running on the right footing.

Your target audience will be different from other blogs in your niche anyway because you are unique too.

Researching your audience isn't all about numbers and statistics – it's about finding people and what makes them tick.

That's why you need to identify them, understand them, and create content that reaches and is directly focused on them.

Focus on what they want to do, learn better, what they need and what motivates them.

If you enjoyed this post on how to find a target audience for your blog, please leave me a message in the comments.

If it is helpful to you, share it on Facebook and other social networks.

Thank you very much for your support!

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